Inspiration 2011-01-08 09:35:21
HÄR ÄR en av mina favoritdikter. Den är så enkel, ärlig, oarbetad men samtidigt så genomtänkt. Hon har inte bara slängt ihop massa komplicerade, och i sig själv, vackra ord och hoppats på god respons utan det känns som om hon verkligen talar från hjärtat utan att krångla till det.
"When you came you were like red wine and honey. And the taste of you burnt my mouth with its sweetness.
Now you are like morning bread, smooth and pleasant. I hardly taste you at all for I know your savour,
But I’m completely nourished."
- Amy Lowell
This is one of my favourite poems. It is simple, honest, unworked but still well thought through. She has not just thrown a couple of complicated and fancy word together in hope of good response, instead, or it feels that way, she really speaks from her heart without the fussiness in trying too hard.