
Moi 2011-02-11 10:34:06
Nackdelen med att bo på värmdö är att all busstrafik ställs in när det kommer plöstligt snöfall... Jag är alltså fast här hemma i lilla radhuset. What to do then?

The disadvantage of living outside of Stockholm city is that all the bus traffic stops whenever there suddenly comes a huge amount of snow in a short time. That happened today, so I'm stuck at home incapable of going anywhere. Fun, right? Well, have to figure out how to entertain myself... Mom, recently bought a Woody Allen movie box which I am very tempted to dig in to (he is my absolute favourite director). Otherwise, I should use the unplanned free time wisely and finish Jane Eyre, for example. That would be good, or rewrite my CV and work a little bit on my explanatory essay concerning the French revolution. Yeah, I think I'll do that.

But, first I'm gonna take a nap since I'm still tired.

linnea säger:

Du har ju körkort Néa!

2011-02-12 @ 18:56:03

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