New York, I love you

Inspiration 2011-01-06 10:43:51

Bilder: Hämtade från Google.

med lov är att man kan börja dagen med en lång frukost framför en bra film. I dag såg jag New York, I love you och jag måste säga att jag har blivit kär, alldeles upp i öronen förälskad. Filmen handlar om flera små kärlekshistorier mellan olika människor i New York. Den var alldeles magnifikt gjord, nästan som ett litet konstverk och det kändes så äkta och sant att jag blev alldeles medtagen.

Det finns så många kärlekshistorier runtomkring oss - vi måste bara öppna ögonen så att vi kan se dem.

I recently realized how stupid I am not to translate my blog into English. I mean, why limit myself with only Swedish readers when there is a whole world outside there, with tons of other people? That, however, also remebered me that English is just not a language most people do have to learn, it is so much more than that. It is a link between millions and again millions of people who, despite their different cultures have something very much in common. And thanks to that small fact we can communicate, we can learn and we can delvelop together. Some people are, though, frightened we might become too simular, too much a like, but I say: we should not be scared, for every person is unique and culture differences will always exist as the interesting and wonderful thing it is. Therefore I salute the many positive things by speaking the same language. And from now on, I am going to translate my texts, let others underastand what I am writing as a way to reach the world.


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